When you think of working out you probably think of going for a run or hitting the local commercial gym, but your workouts don’t have to be limited to just that. You can find workouts that work better for you, something that you enjoy, that meets you at your current fitness level, that fits into your schedule, etc.
Here are some options that you may not consider initially when you think of working out, but they are worth giving a chance.
Sign up for a class There are sooooooo many class options available these days. There are cycling, yoga, pilates, HIIT, kickboxing, etc. classes. Typically, these classes have varying levels for beginners to more advanced. Don’t underestimate any form of exercise you’ve never done before. My one tip for classes - Leave the ego at home. I’ve taken many different classes including a step aerobics class where myself and half a football team were promptly humbled by a very energetic senior instructor (who I hope I am like when I'm 65 + years old).
Hire a coach/trainer Coaches can help customize a program that fits your specific goals and help educate and motivate you along the way. Sometimes it's just having a program to follow and someone to check in with that will keep you on track.
Join a club – Park districts or towns often have different clubs like mom’s fitness clubs or running clubs that might bring another level of community and motivation instead of solo training.
Home workouts Not a fan of public gyms or even classes? No problemo. You can workout in the comfort of your own home with minimal equipment or even just body weight.
Whether you are paying for classes, a coach, club, or home gym equipment – it all is you investing in you and your current/future health. Typically, if you have money invested in it, you are going to be more likely to follow through with it.. aka.. if you pay for that class/coach, you are gonna go to that class/session so you don’t lose out on that money. If you are anything like me you are NOT going to lose your money to a cancellation policy.
Not only are you more likely to show up because you don't want to waste your $ BUT you will also have an actual human asking “hey where were you last week” or "hey why’d you not come to running club” or "hey good job with that new exercise". Community is real in the fitness world and it adds another level of accountability to it.
Even if you start small with one class or coaching session or workout a week for a while, that is fine. You don't have to sign up for classes 7 days a week. Start slow and work your way up. Just going once a week or even once every other week is likely to keep you on track a lot more than just solo on your own.
No matter what your go to type of workout is… you’ve got options..and these options don’t include excuses. 😉
Your health matters…. get to moving.
Head on over to youtube to check out FREE workout videos
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