Hey... Start Using Those Weights That Are Collecting Dust Bunnies 🙃
Let me guess.. you’ve either recently purchased some dumbbells to use at home OR you’ve had some at home collecting cute little dust bunnies for quite some time now. Either way the fact is .. you aren’t using them and that needs to change.
Here are a few exercises you can do right now with those poor sad dusty dumbbells that want to be used so bad.
DB Goblet Squats 15 reps
DB Overhead Presses 10 reps
Single Arm DB Rows 10 reps each arm
3-4 rounds of the above trio.
Rest a minute or so between each round
The weight should be a weight that you actually FEEL it and you are not just breezing through the motions.
Now dust them off and give this circuit a whirl.
Follow along for more tips and check out the SIMPLE 5 Training Program if you are looking for a simple dumbbell based program you can easily follow at home or in the the gym.
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