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Health & Wealth 🤝

Writer: Sara HodgsonSara Hodgson

Health & Wealth 🤝

Health and wealth go more hand and hand than you think. Not everyone understands the importance of and the advantage you have from investing in your health NOW for the future. Some of you may understand the benefits of staying active on a regular basis, but it is unfortunately not the norm as far as the number of people who are being preventatively active now for future payoffs (especially in the weight training department).


For most, we don’t think about anything UNTIL it is actually a problem.  Heart health for instance takes the back burner until cholesterol levels start to rise, the idea of strength training always falls to the wayside as many think “I don’t need to do that” and bone health/strength is not even thought about until a fall happens.  The reality is you may feel invincible now and like everything is fine, but it’s going to creep up on us all as time goes by.   It’s going to come down to how you position and prepare yourself now for years down the line.


One thing I think most, if not all, of you are familiar with is the notion of saving and investing to prepare for retirement.  When you start investing, typically retirement seems like it’s eons away, but it’s something you know you need to do and most of the time you do it without even thinking twice about it .. its kind of just automatic.


If we save and invest NOW for our future selves’ financial wellbeing, then why are we not doing the same for our health? Why is investing in our health on a regular basis not an automatic “yes I need to do this” just like investing in your financial goals? 


It’s kind of crazy how similar the notion of investing in your wealth is to investing in your health.   Let’s break down how these common finance terms relate SO WELL to health and fitness.  Below you’ll see all the terms that you hear in finance and investing talk along with how these principles are applied to investing in your health and fitness. 

Adds Value

Just like investing your money adds value to your wealth, investing in physical activity adds value to your health.

Start Early / Time In the Market

It’s never too late to start a fitness routine if you aren’t already, BUT just like with investing your money, the sooner the better. The sooner you start prioritizing cardio and weight training, the more preventative measures you have on your side in the long run.

Invest Consistently

Consistently investing in your retirement is key to saving long term. Consistently investing in your training now will continue to benefit you now and for years to come.

Risk Management

You apply strategies to prevent financial risk and you can do the same with your health. Think of risk management as injury/disease prevention when it comes to your health. Building your cardio endurance and bone/muscle strength now will help you potentially prevent cardiac issues, bone breaks, sprains, tears, etc.

Compound Interest

I’ll die on the hill of EVERY little bit adds up. Think of your workouts as interest accruing and compounding over time. Workout by workout your endurance improves and strength increases over time and compounds from week to week, month to month, year to year.


You don’t want all your money in one investment, just like you shouldn’t focus on ONE thing when it comes to your workouts. Get a mix of cardio, strength, mobility, etc going regularly in your routine to cover all of your bases.

Professional Guidance

Some people hire financial advisors to set them up with a plan of action or to provide guidance – some people hire coaches to set them up with a fitness program to guide them and keep them accountable to it.

ROI (Return On Investment)

It goes without saying that the return on the investment of your time and hard work put into your health/fitness is worth its weight in gold.

Generational Wealth (Health)

Think of this as generational health – you may be an example to your kids for maintaining an active lifestyle and if you don’t have kids, you may even influence relatives, parents, etc. to hopping on the fitness train as well.

Personalized Plan

Just like your retirement plan is customized and works for you and your goals, so should your plan of attack for your training.

Long Term Mindset for Long Term Gains (pun intended)

Your investments wont grow overnight, neither will your endurance and strength – BUT sticking with it for the long haul will pay off both in the short term and long term. Putting the work in now prepares you for the future instead of waiting and being too late to the party when 💩 potentially hits the fan.

If investing in your health (specifically consistently performing cardio and weight training) is not an automatic for you right now, it might be worth considering sooner than later so your future self can look back and say "I'm so glad I was doing xyz years ago". Just like when retirement comes around and you have that peace of mind and thank yourself for all the investing you did earlier in your life.

quote invest in your health like you invest in your wealth in white and neon letters with black background


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