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Exercise Bites - #2 Upper Body

Exercise Bites are just that, bite size workouts. Short and sweet and to the point.

Quick & simple 10-15 minute workouts you can do before you start your day, on your lunch break, after work, etc. If you have 10-15 mins to scroll the socials you have 10-15 mins here or there to work on your strength, mobility, and/or endurance. Grab some dumbbells and knock it out.

DB = dumbbell

Warm up

Arm Circles 20 reps (10 forward 10 backward)


Push Ups 10 reps

Single Arm DB Rows 12 reps ea arm

Push Ups 8 reps

Single Arm DB Rows 12 reps ea arm

Push Ups 6 reps

Single Arm DB Rows 12 reps ea arm

Core and cooldown

Front Plank as long as you can

Thread the Needle 8 each side - slowly


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