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Exercise Bites - #1 Lower Body

Exercise Bites are just that, bite size workouts. Short and sweet and to the point.

Quick & simple 10-15 minute workouts you can do before you start your day, on your lunch break, after work, etc. If you have 10-15 mins to scroll the socials you have 10-15 mins here or there to work on your strength, mobility, and/or endurance.

Exercise Bite # 1

Warm up

Knee Drops 20 reps (10 ea leg)

Leg Cradles 20 reps (10 ea leg)


Use body weight or hold a dumbbell for the following exercises

Sumo Squats 20 reps

Calf Raises 25 reps

Sumo Squats 20 reps

Calf Raises 25 reps

Sumo Squats 20 reps

Calf Raises 25 reps

Cool Down/ Flexibility / Balance

Groiners 5 reps

Balance & Reach to the floor (fingertips outside your toes 5 reps ea leg

Groiners 5 reps

Balance & Reach to the floor (fingertips outside your toes 5 reps ea leg


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