If you’ve never done any form of a horizontal press before with free weights (aka dumbbells) starting from the floor may actually feel more comfortable as you learn.
I LOVE starting new lifters or young athletes from the floor.
Your range of motion will be less than what you get when pressing on a bench BUT you get the chance work on control by building a base level of strength and increasing your shoulder stability.
Pull and pin your shoulder blades down towards your pockets and push you back into the floor so there is no space between you and the ground - this will all help you form a solid base to push from.
Keep your wrists neutral (in line with your arm - not bent back or forward) and keep your arms perpendicular from the floor.
Keep breathing all throughout the movement
You can do these palms facing in or palms facing down.
Try starting with a lighter weight to get used to the movement and work your way up.
3-4 sets of 10 reps with about 45 seconds rest between sets will be a good place to start.
Give these a try in your next workout.
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