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Sumo Squats
Sumo squats hit different… literally

ONE A DAY - Day 31
Day 31 of 31 - ONE A DAY - Daily Exercises - Balance & Reach for the Floor

ONE A DAY - Day 30
Day 30 of 31 - ONE A DAY - Daily Exercises - Sumo Squats with a 2 second pause at the bottom

ONE A DAY - Day 23
Day 23 of 31 - ONE A DAY - Daily Exercises - Split Squats (forward leaning)

ONE A DAY - Day 16
Day 16 of 31 - ONE A DAY - Daily Exercises-
Split Squats (forward leaning)

ONE A DAY - Day 10
Day 10 of 31 - Groiners

ONE A DAY - Day 9
Day 9 of 31 - ONE A DAY - Daily Exercises- Sumo Squats

ONE A Day - DAY 2
Day 2 of 31 Sumo Squats

Exercise Bites - #3 Lower Body
Short and quick lower body workout

Exercise Bites - #1 Lower Body
Bite size workouts

Dumbbell Squats
Dumbbell Squats target various large muscle groups of the lower body including the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. Dumbbell Squats are...

Dumbbell Goblet Squats
Dumbbell (or DB) Goblet Squats are one of my top go to ride or die DB leg exercises. DB Goblet Squats target various large muscle groups...
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