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Blog Posts
Do not try to overhaul your whole life in one night. Your best bet is to do what you can as consistently as possible. If that is just...
Treadmill - Incline Workout
Looking for a quick and easy indoor walking workout? - put on some music and WALK it out 2 min 1% Incline 3.0 mph 2 min 1% Incline 3.5...
Upper & Lower Body Circuit | DB Only
Try this quick and simple upper/lower mixed circuit. Perform 4-5 rounds of the exercises below with 1-2 mins rest between rounds. DB...
Gainz Loading
Gainz Loading Subscribe here to the monthly newsletter to get new product info, training tips, and more Check out current available...
KEEP Showing Up!
KEEP Showing Up!...even when you don't want to If you fall off for a day, week or even month.. get right back to it and keep showing up....
Grip Strength Gainz
Do you find yourself having to drop whatever weight you are using, not because of the muscles you are working, but because you literally...
Common Abbreviations You Might Find In Your Lifting Program
It is very common to use abbreviations in lifting/fitness related programs. If you have ever worked with a coach or trainer or followed...
Bent Over DB Pronated Grip Rows
Bent Over DB Pronated Grip Rows This variation of the row is very similar to the Bent Over DB Neutral Grip Rows The only difference...
Bent Over DB Supinated Grip Rows
Bent Over DB Supinated Grip Rows - Hit your back and biceps in one exercise. This variation of the row is very similar to the Bent Over...
Bent Over DB Neutral Grip Rows
Bent Over DB Neutral Grip Rows - A great bang for your exercise buck. Bent Over DB Neutral Grip Rows mainly target your upper back...
Consistency Will Always Win
AS annoying as it is to hear over and over again.. and as much as it stinks that overnight changes aren't possible... consistency will...
Dumbbell Squats
Dumbbell Squats target various large muscle groups of the lower body including the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. Dumbbell Squats are...
Dumbbell Goblet Squats
Dumbbell (or DB) Goblet Squats are one of my top go to ride or die DB leg exercises. DB Goblet Squats target various large muscle groups...
Gym Vibes Only
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The Struggle Makes You Stronger
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Hydration Tip #2
Get a water container (tumbler, gallon jug, water bottle, whatever is your jam) and make it your goal to finish however many of the...
Knee Drops - Hip Mobility
Another one of my go to hip mobility movements - knee drops. These are great for anyone who sits for longer periods of time on a daily...
STRONGER Every Damn Day
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Groiners - Hip Mobility
Groiners are one of my favorite hip mobility movements that I love to add into my clients’ programs and even my own. Check out the demo...
Compound & Supersets
Add these to your routine for an effective AND quick workout. After all, we love the gym, but we don’t want to live there. Compound vs...
Hydration Tip #1
Coming from someone who has ALL the water bottles, jugs, cups, tumblers…. Get whatever water holder floats your hydration boat and get to...
Split Squat Positioning
Changing the position of your torso during split squats can change which muscles you are focusing on. Remaining upright makes the...
Upper Body Workout
Quick and SIMPLE Upper Body Focused Workout Get those dumbbells to use! Easily do this at home or in the gym for your next upper body...
Unilateral and Bilateral Exercises….What are they and why you should add both into your workout plan
Single Arm or Single Leg work is formally known as unilateral exercises – you are working one limb at a time. Unilateral exercises are...
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