Hey.. stop ignoring the weights in the gym & start lifting TODAY!
Four week strength training program
Four 30-40 minute workouts per week (3 lifting days & 1 cardio day)
Schedule flexibility - you can fit the workouts into your schedule however works best for YOU
Gym based program using weight training machines, dumbbells, and or body weight
Reps, sets, video demo links & tips included
We've all done it... gone ot the gym.. hopped on the treadmill, elliptical or bike for a bit and then look at the weights and think.. I should do that... so then you either
A. walk around aimlessly.. do a set here... of most likely a random number of reps.. go to another machine .. do a little bit there and then call it a day
B. you just willfully ignore the weights and the workout likely ends after the cardio
Am I close?
Don't worry. You aren't alone
It's time to stop ignoring those lovely weights at the gym & start embracing them
PSA - here is your reminder of Why you should be lifting weights
KEEP IT BASIC AF and you'll be able to
go into the gym with a super easy plan that puts a stop to wasting time wandering aimlessly
add on muscle and gain strength (hell yes)
bump up that confidence in yourself AND finally get more comfy with lifting regularly
One time purchase of the training program you'll access from logging into your account here on this website (you'll create an account when you purchase or use the same account you already may have)
4 week strength training based program ​​
4 30 ish minute workouts each week - 3 lifting days and 1 cardio day
mix of upper body, lower body, core & cardio
Reps, sets, video demo links included
This program is made for anyone who has access to commercial gym equipment
Basic gym weight training machines (think leg extension/curl machine, pulldown, etc) PLUS a sprinkle of using some dumbbells, a weight bench, and body weight
Think of this as your planet / LA / 24hr / Anytime fitness friendly program
Say HELLO To...
Having a PLAN & starting point
Progress & change
Building confidence and strength
Wandering around the gym
Remaining stuck & comfortable
Avoiding weights & weakness

Yeah, this is exactly what I've needed
What equipment will I need?Commercial gym access.. machines, dumbbells, mat, weight bench.
When do I start?Once you check out you will have access to the program from your members area when logged into the website.
Is every workout different?Consistency is key across the board. We are mastering the basic movement patterns here so if a different workout all day every day is your thing then this might not be your jam. Reps, sets, rest periods, etc will all change throughout the program, but exercises will repeat for periods of time throughout.
Is coaching involved in this program?No. This program provides you with the plan and tools for you to take and lift with. Custom programming and 1 on 1 coaching is available. If you are looking for a more customized program with coaching email hodgsonstrength@gmail.com
Is nutrition coaching or meal planning involved?Nope. Nutrition based guidance is left to the experts. This is strictly a strength training program.
Who can I contact if I have any issues?Click the link below to contact me https://www.hodgsonstrength.com/contact
Can I get a refund?All sales are final - just like a good leg day - non negotiable.